deary days

small town parades are the best.  they practically drive up to you, stop, and then dump out a bucket of candy.

2013-08-03 10.31.35

and that is just what my mother has in her mouth.  i would be nice and not include any pictures of her with her lip full of chaw, but unfortunately, she was so occupied in all of them.

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red, aren’t they?

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i could be mistaken, but it looks like either one of them is going to spit on the pavement any second.

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but that really wasn’t the point of this post.  here are the darling children with their cousins living large at grandma’s.

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that’s the life.

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and here i am taking daddy boy in hand.  me yammering, him failing to look concerned.  repeat.

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the children were commandeered again by the other grandparents last weekend.  boy and i were sitting across from each other at the empty dinner table when i asked in mock desperation, “what would do if we didn’t have kids?  would we still like each other?  do we even have anything in common?!”  to which he replied indifferently, “nothing but jesus.”  now that’s the good stuff.

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i stopped and chatted up this grandma.  she even let me take pictures.  i have to say, she strikes me as the kind of woman who never bothered with saying “when.”  just my type.

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on our way to the library fundraiser.

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natalie posing with a personal favorite.  please note the less obvious volume in her other hand.

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the otto boys wasting no time.

and here i am working on my pile.

2013-08-03 11.12.17

in other news, this blog is finished!  clean out of space.  i think i can throw up more text, but otherwise i had better get to work on the new digs and come up with a camera.  perhaps i’ll see you around.  *m

4 Responses to “deary days”

  1. 1 Angela Hudler August 18, 2013 at 8:29 pm

    Are you really ending this blog? I’ve been reading for at least 6 years. Now I’m sad I never really commented. I’m not really a blog reader so never know how to comment without feeling like a creeper. I will definitely miss reading your posts. You’ve really inspired me in a lot of ways. So, I hope that I’m wrong and you aren’t ending the blog, but if you are, just know that it made a difference down here in Texas.

  2. 2 mavis August 19, 2013 at 6:37 am

    oh no, not ending it. just moving right along. very, very slowly.

    but i promise i will try to be faster now that i know there is one person who actually reads it. 😉

  3. 3 Batty August 20, 2013 at 2:37 pm

    A batty homeschool’n mom from California has been stalking the Otto family for years.

  4. 4 Anonymous August 27, 2013 at 8:39 pm

    Zahara loves your blog. Also, you were pretty as a picture in that dress. I hear tell that the Grandparents are coming to visit. Maybe they will take Zahara along. Deary is pretty swell:)

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